22 research outputs found

    Effects of perceptions of information overload, noise and environmental demands on wellbeing and academic attainment.

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    The present research considers components of information overload, which may have a negative impact on wellbeing and academic attainment. 179 university students completed a survey consisting of an information overload scale (IOS) and the wellbeing process questionnaire. Their academic attainment scores were also added to the database. The IOS scale also included questions relating to noise exposure. Both the noise scores and non-noise IOS scores were associated with greater negative wellbeing and lower positive wellbeing. There were no significant effects of noise or IOS scores on academic attainment. Wellbeing is predicted by a number of factors such as exposure to stressors, negative coping, social support and psychological capital. When these established factors were included in the analyses, the effects of noise and other aspects of IOS could be accounted for by exposure to other stressors and were no longer significant predictors of negative or positive wellbeing

    Effectiveness of the school nurse role in increasing the vaccination coverage rate: a narrative review

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    Introduction. Vaccinations are recognized as the best primary prevention strategy to counteract infectious diseases. However, in recent years, there has been a decrease in the immunization rate, particularly among children and teenagers. Several strategies have been tested to circumvent the issue. Among them, there was the re-introduction of vaccination practices in schools. The literature shows that introducing immunization projects in schools has increased vaccination rates in children and teenagers, but the role of the school nurse in these settings has never been evaluated.AIM. To determine whether the role of the school nurse, within the school vaccination projects, does have a positive impact on the rate of immunization's compliance.Methods. Narrative review. Studies of primary, secondary and gray literature were included, researched on Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials, MEDLINE, EMBASE, CINAHL, Science Citation Index and Web of Science. Nine articles based on studies conducted in different educational institutions (from kindergarten to high school) were included in the review.Results. All the articles included in the review showed that the interventions conducted by the school nurse, aimed at increasing the rate of adhesion to vaccinations, are effective.Discussion and Conclusions. The literature related to the topic of the present study shows that the school nurse plays a key role in increasing the rate of adhesion to immunization for school-age children / adolescents. The figure of the school nurse plays a crucial role in increasing the rate of adhesion to immunization's programme for school-age children. However, in several countries, including Italy, this figure was present in the past but does not exist now. The lack of the school nurse's role in these countries does not allow the activation of programs focused on this figure's capacity

    [Progressive Patient Care Model and its application into hospital organization: a narrative review]

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    Aim of this article is to review the literature about the Progressive Patient Care Model, in particular its conceptual and practical characteristics, its implementation and effects on the current health care organization. Was conducted by an integrative-narrative literature review. The Progressive Patient Care is a model which aims at group patients according to their complexity in order to place patients in the most appropriate care setting. The original model consists on five care levels: intensive care, intermediate care, self-care, long term care, home care.In Italy the above mentioned model can be considered as a contextualization of Progressive Patient Care in the light of similarities both in terms of model purposes and care levels classification. The organization for intensive care levels is an opportunity for Italian healthcare facilities to reach continuity of care. This model emphazises care processes looking to patients' needs rather than a division according to criteria of specialties

    Complexity of care: a concept analysis

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    In spite of the high number of tools designed to measure the complexity of care, there is still great diversity in the meaning of this concept